Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority conducted a full-day workshop in collaboration with Georgetown University’s Center for Child and Human Development Partnership to discuss the Abu Dhabi Child Protection System training

ECA launched a full-day workshop and consultation to discuss Child Protection concerns with partner agencies in collaboration with Georgetown University’s Center for Child and Human Development Partnership. This workshop was attended by senior level representatives from DCD, FCA, Ewaa, SSA, MAAN, DZFC, ZHO, DOH, PHC, MOE, ESE, ADEK, ADJD, AD Police, MOI/CPC and others who are instrumental in ensuring quality child protection services and programs throughout the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. During the workshop, the attendees evaluated the Child Protection policies and suggested potential improvements to promote an inclusive, non discriminatory, and responsive child protection service that delivers quality care and protection for children and their families.

The first part of the workshop comprised policy, programming, and financing staff to discuss state of the art practices and mechanisms to support a multisectoral and cross-disciplinary approach to providing needed services to prevent and respond to child protection related matters. The focus was to stress the need for all providers to be aware of Child Protection issues and basic referral and reporting information and agreement on a coordinated and collaborative plan of action for the coming years.

The second part of the workshop focused on the review of the Abu Dhabi Child Protection Specialist Training Program including hearing from the supervisors and agency staff about the training received by over 300 mandated reporters and child protection workers to determine their perspectives on the training and on-going needs. The main objective of the session was to update and refine the existing program. To do so, ECA professionals, trainers from Zayed University and HCT, and key participants from all trained cohorts were invited to review the curriculum and methodology, and derive lessons learned and evaluations of the program.

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