As part of ECA mandate as regulatory and advisory entity for early childhood and in collaboration with our ecosystem, the Child Protection Policy for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has been issued and approved in 2023. To find out more about what we do please click here ( We will always advocate for child protection in Abu Dhabi. – ECA )
Legal Affairs
The legal affairs are responsible for providing legal advice and guidance to ECA on various matters, including but not limited to contracts, compliance, intellectual property, disputes, and legal studies. The legal affairs also support to ECA ‘s strategic goals and objectives by ensuring that ECA operates in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and by protecting ECA ‘s interests and rights in any legal matters

Fraud is a serious offense that involves the deliberate misuse of public funds or resources for personal gain or advantage. Fraud can take many forms, such as falsifying documents, inflating expenses, abusing authority, or misappropriating assets. Fraud not only harms the reputation and integrity of the government, but also undermines the trust and confidence of the public and the stakeholders.
The government is committed to preventing, detecting, and responding to fraud in a timely and effective manner. The government has established a comprehensive framework of policies, procedures, and controls to ensure that fraud risks are identified, assessed, and mitigated. The government also fosters a culture of honesty, transparency, and accountability among its employees, contractors, and partners.

ECA takes very seriously any suspected fraud or misconduct within its activities or its related entities to an appropriate authority or person and you can report any case for investigation.
If you witness or become aware of any fraud or misconduct within ECA, you have a duty and a right to report it. You can report a suspicious fraud through the following channels:
– Your supervisor or manager, if you are an employee or contractor of the entity
-Anonymously through “Report a Case”
You can report a suspicious activity anonymously or confidentially, depending on the channel you choose and the nature of your disclosure. You should provide as much evidence and information as possible to support your report, such as dates, names, locations, documents, or witnesses.
ECA protects whistleblowers from any retaliation, such as harassment, discrimination, demotion, or dismissal, for reporting fraud or misconduct in good faith and in accordance with the law. ECA also provides avenues for whistleblowers to seek redress if they experience reprisal or adverse consequences for their actions. ECA values and encourages whistleblowing as a way of strengthening accountability, integrity, and public trust.