But he doesn’t look autistic

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong disability that impacts on how individuals see the world and how others see them. Parenting a child with ASD can be challenging, scary and isolating, however it can also be rewarding, enjoyable and a unique learning experience.

In this session, Cheryl Bedding, will be sharing her knowledge and expertise as a professional within the childcare sector alongside her personal experiences as a parent of a child with ASD. She will be exploring the myths and fears of the process of identifying ASD traits in young children including the behaviours you may expect to see, as well as sharing her knowledge of how to effectively support your children and finding support for yourselves as parents. Cheryl will also spend time looking at Sensory Processing Disorder, a common link with ASD, and the challenges children face and how to manage these as parents. 

But he doesn’t look autistic.pdf

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