Takween - Interactive Fun Webinars

The Program is made up of interactive activities for children in the form of mindful movement

and cooking and nutrition classes as well as weekly educational classes for parents and


  1. Activities for Children:

These activities are designed for children in Abu Dhabi and the UAE aged 2-8 years old.

Parents or Caregivers are required to take part in any activities with their children.

Every 5 weeks will have a thematic focus for health and nutrition activities with two sessions

delivered each week in English and two sessions in Arabic. These sessions will be delivered by

certified wellness and nutrition coaches and professionals.

A. Mindful Movement Classes:

Structure of sessions:

  • Introduction to session (5 minutes)
  • Age-appropriate meditation (5 minutes)
  • Movement exercise (20 minutes)

Meditation has been proven to have many benefits for physical and emotional wellness in

children and adults – these include greater emotional regulation; better sleep; greater focus; and

more. As such, each movement session proposed will begin with an approximately 5 minute

meditation session which is designed for young children. After this guided meditation, children

and caregivers will join in on a movement class with a focus on encouraging children to be

active in both body and imagination while instilling in participants a love for their bodies and how

exercise and movement are essential to children’s development.


B. Created Kitchen Classes:

Structure of sessions:

  • Introduction to session (5 minutes)
  • Age-appropriate mindful nutrition education (5 minutes)
  • Kids Kitchen Activity (20 minutes)

Nutrition is a key component in a holistic approach to wellness. Building good nutrition habits at

a young age is essential to the lowering of obesity rates and a life long healthy lifestyle. These

sessions are designed to build a culture of healthy eating from the early years in both children

and caregivers. Sessions are designed to introduce key concepts of healthy eating in a way that

is fun and interactive for both children and caregivers while building autonomy in young children

and encouraging stronger bonds between caregivers and children. Later sessions focus on

modelling child-parent interactions in the kitchen and how to allow children appropriate and safe

levels of autonomy while helping in the kitchen.

        2. Seminars for Caregivers:

These 45 minute or 90 minute seminars are designed for caregivers and parents in Abu Dhabi

and the UAE with sessions focused on prenatal, postnatal, wellness and health and nutrition

for children aged 0-8 years old.


Download and register ( the registration links are in the schedule)

Download Takween webinars schedule – Sep.pdf

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